Ages 0-2 River Kids Nursery
River Kids Nursery is for 0-2 years old. This is God's holding tank for blessings! Little ones will be surrounded by peace and God's love in a safe and protective environment to learn and grow in the God's presence.

Ages 3-5 River Kids Pre-School
River Kids Pre-School is church on the move for ages 3-5 years old! They will learn more about God and experience praise and worship while splashing around in the presence of God!!
Ages 6-12 River Kids Church
River Kids is Holy Spirit filled church for ages 6-12 years old! We have Holy Spirit filled volunteers that are anxious to help your children realize they can be saved and Holy Spirit filled!
Your children will learn to be participants of praise and worship not just observers. They will learn to pray, connect with God and other tools necessary to minister to others about Jesus!